Developer documentation

First call sample – Products

After learning about the basic fundamentals of REST and other technical details about login, authentication & URL, now it’s time to do an action using the API. There are various clients available to make API request and perform operations, we will use the Postman client for this and other demonstrations. We are going to make an API request to perform a very simple GET operation for getting a list of Products from a Reeleezee administration. To start, perform the simple steps below:

  • Set the method to GET and enter a valid API URL into request URL field. For our example it would be
  • Set the authorization type to 'Basic Auth' and then enter username and password into respective fields
  • Set accept key value as 'application/json' in Header
  • Click on “Send”.
The sample request to get a list of products would be:
GET /api/v1/Products HTTP/1.1 
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ= 
Accept: application/json 
Cache-Control: no-cache 
Postman-Token: eb0a10ed-3a97-a143-f957-f560a16940b5

And the response as:

  "value": [
      "id": "5c1a0b7b-2a27-4395-bce0-29347ca5944e",
      "IsArchived": false,
      "IsStockEnabled": true,
      "BarCode": "201403081210",
      "Code": "0040",
      "Comment": "Allium Gladiator His Excellence",
      "Description": "Allium Gladiator His Excellence",
      "SearchName": "Allium Gladiator His Excellence",
      "ProductKind": 1,
      "RecordStatus": 2,
      "CostPrice": 111,
      "FixedTransferPrice": 130,
      "LiquidationValue": 0,
      "Price": 135,
      "PurchasePrice": 109,
      "ProductSoldQuantity": 5,
      "Stock": 0
      "id": "47eea77d-97f5-4897-9670-5aec5ad04e4d",
      "IsArchived": false,
      "IsStockEnabled": false,
      "BarCode": "201703081202",
      "Code": "0013",
      "Comment": "Entrecote",
      "Description": "Entrecote",
      "SearchName": "Entrecote",
      "ProductKind": 1,
      "RecordStatus": 2,
      "CostPrice": 108,
      "FixedTransferPrice": null,
      "LiquidationValue": null,
      "Price": 150,
      "PurchasePrice": 105,
      "ProductSoldQuantity": null,
      "Stock": null
      "id": "e05bb763-ee09-47d7-905e-8ec0feca1ba0",
      "IsArchived": false,
      "IsStockEnabled": true,
      "BarCode": "201703081204",
      "Code": "0015",
      "Comment": "Eranthis Cilicica",
      "Description": "Eranthis Cilicica",
      "SearchName": "Eranthis Cilicica",
      "ProductKind": 1,
      "RecordStatus": 2,
      "CostPrice": 130,
      "FixedTransferPrice": 150,
      "LiquidationValue": 0,
      "Price": 166,
      "PurchasePrice": 125,
      "ProductSoldQuantity": 5,
      "Stock": 0
      "id": "7aa08647-b654-437f-959d-abdf1b18e244",
      "IsArchived": false,
      "IsStockEnabled": false,
      "BarCode": null,
      "Code": "2",
      "Comment": null,
      "Description": "Office administration",
      "SearchName": "Office administration",
      "ProductKind": 2,
      "RecordStatus": 2,
      "CostPrice": null,
      "FixedTransferPrice": null,
      "LiquidationValue": null,
      "Price": null,
      "PurchasePrice": null,
      "ProductSoldQuantity": null,
      "Stock": null
      "id": "02342862-da6e-4f68-9c65-273d0dfc634d",
      "IsArchived": false,
      "IsStockEnabled": true,
      "BarCode": "201703081157",
      "Code": "0010",
      "Comment": "Omschrijving Allium Aflatunense Purple Sensation",
      "Description": "Omschrijving Allium Aflatunense Purple Sensation",
      "SearchName": "Omschrijving Allium Aflatunense Purple Sensation",
      "ProductKind": 1,
      "RecordStatus": 2,
      "CostPrice": 92,
      "FixedTransferPrice": null,
      "LiquidationValue": 0,
      "Price": 100,
      "PurchasePrice": 90,
      "ProductSoldQuantity": null,
      "Stock": 0
      "id": "3f2b6058-c5e3-4bac-bcb3-c1eab8dd07b0",
      "IsArchived": false,
      "IsStockEnabled": false,
      "BarCode": "201703081211",
      "Code": "0066",
      "Comment": "Tulipa Kingsblood",
      "Description": "Tulipa Kingsblood",
      "SearchName": "Tulipa Kingsblood",
      "ProductKind": 1,
      "RecordStatus": 2,
      "CostPrice": 65,
      "FixedTransferPrice": null,
      "LiquidationValue": null,
      "Price": 85,
      "PurchasePrice": 60,
      "ProductSoldQuantity": null,
      "Stock": null
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