Developer documentation

Customer - Add address details

Any business relation entity like Customer, Vendor, Employee and Accountant should have communication address details. And Reeleeze made it really easy by supporting various types of communicaton address details as

  • Business address
  • Billing address
  • Shipping address
  • Home address

Moreover one can enter as many addresses as he would like to add for respective business entity. Below details demonstrate for adding particular type of communication address details for customer.

First of all be ready with required header info for call request as mentioned at Request Header.

Request Info

Production base URL    :
Operation : PUT api/v1/customers/<customerID>/Addresses/<AddressID>
Content type : application/json

We need to pass customer identifier and address identifier as respectively CustomerID and AddressID GUID type parameters in URL. Here non-existing address identifier will add new address while existing will be used for updating already stored details. So basically the sample request to add address details for customer in Postman would be as below.

PUT /api/v1/Customers/62e15dc6-e4c1-4258-b9e2-aaaefc231700
/Addresses/841e2cd4-92b1-4f22-8cf2-3f598548d703?$expand=*($levels=max) HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
Accept: application/json
Accept-Language: en
Content-Type: application/json
Prefer: return=representation
X-Serialization-Options: preserve-references-implicit
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 6c18f054-bea1-6db4-4ee5-85b938fe2f76

Request Body
We need to pass various address attributes in Json format object as below:

"Type": 1,
"City": "Nederhorst den Berg",
"id": "NL"
"Postcode": "1394 AD",
"Street": "Middenweg",
"Number": "59",
"NumberExtension": "11"

Here “Type” attribute defined predefined address type supported by Reeleezee. Above sample demosnstrate to add Business address type. Moreover values for respective type as below

Business address – 1
Billing address – 2
Shipping address – 3
Home address – 4

Request Return
Once address request has been processed, it would return below kind of response.

"id": "841e2cd4-92b1-4f22-8cf2-3f598548d703",
"FullAddress": "Middenweg 59 11\n1394 AD Nederhorst den Berg",
"Type": 1,
"City": "Nederhorst den Berg",
"id": "NL",
"SepaCompliant": true,
"SupportIBAN": true,
"UseInternationalStrictIBAN": true,
"Market": "EU",
"Name": "Netherlands",
"Postcode": "1394 AD",
"Street": "Middenweg",
"Number": "59",
"NumberExtension": "11"

For more details about all available attributes of customer please Click here.

NL Select your country