Product news
Shop Manager Dashboard for Smart Shop Floor – now available in Exact Online for Manufacturing
Now in Exact Online for Manufacturing the new Shop Manager dashboard is available. The dashboard is an addition to the Smart Shop Floor app that many of our Manufacturing customers already use. With this app employees can start and stop operations, clock the operation times, get the rights manufacturing instructions and more.
With the new dashboard you get direct insights of all the work currently in progress on the shop floor. It tells you exactly who is currently working on what job, at which work centre and what the progress is.
More about Smart Shop Floor Control can be found in this blog. ( )
Working with the Shop manager dashboardBefore you start, please check if you have the appropriate role to work with the Shop manager dashboard. Only then you will be able to view the dashboard via menu path [Manufacturing] Time reporting, Shop manager dashboard.

The Shop manager dashboard has two view modes: by work centres and by employees.
- View by work centres
With the view mode by work centres we see at which work centres work is performed and by whom and on which order. We also see the progress (Time elapsed and Time remaining). With the filter on the right side of the screen we can select a production area or a number of work centres:

- View by employees
With the view mode by employees we see which employees are working at this moment, on which work centre, and on which order. We also see the progress (Time elapsed and Time remaining). With the filter on the right side of the screen we can select a number of employees:

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