Product news
Exact for Manufacturing / Wholesale Distribution – Payment condition in the goods delivery overview

Sometimes making a goods delivery is dependent on the receipt of a prepayment. And sometimes, it is important when preparing a goods delivery to know whether the customer will pay upon collecting his order at the front desk, or that a courier has to collect cash on delivery. Recently we enhanced the goods delivery overview with the possibility to show the payment condition. This enhancement is for all editions of Exact for Wholesale Distribution and Manufacturing.
Payment condition of a sales order
When creating a sales order (or quotation) we can enter a payment condition. These payment conditions can be maintained via (Master Data) Payment Conditions. When creating a delivery we can show on the goods delivery screen (Sales) Deliveries & Returns, Goods deliveries, a column with the payment condition. We can also sort on this column:
The column payment condition can be added to the overview using the tool icon in the right upper corner (Customise).
This enhancement is made based on customer feedback. If you have an idea you can report it to Exact support or submit it via Support, Ideas (NL and BE only). You can also vote there on ideas submitted by other customers. We try to realize frequently liked ideas early.
(Picture courtesy of AAA-LUX)
AAA-LUX of Eindhoven is a manufacturer of LED flood lighting for high mast applications (sports and industry). With dimmable lighting solutions AAA-LUX customers save on energy consumption, CO2 emissions and maintenance cost. AAA-LUX is using Exact for Manufacturing since 2014.