Security and GDPR statement

Security of information and privacy are Exacts most important assets. It is in our greatest interest that you have confidence in how we handle your financial information and personal data. This is possible only when our software works accurately and securely, our internal processes and policy are correct and when our colleagues handle (business) data correctly. This is an ongoing task.
On 25 May 2018, any company that processes personal data of European citizens must comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). Your company will also have to deal with this.
In a world in which applicable legislation is subject to constant changes, we continuously strive to have our solutions meet all relevant legislation and regulations. In this respect, we also adapt, if necessary, our internal procedures and communication. We do so to continue to be compliant with the latest legislation and regulations.
Currently, the preparations for implementing the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), are in full swing. We expect to have implemented all adjustments within our own internal processes well before the GDPR comes into effect on 25 May next year.
As an Exact customer, we offer a range of possibilities within the software to enable you, to deal with the new legislation regarding personal data. In addition, we’re also working on developing new tools that can help customers to comply with the requirements around GDPR.
Please read the applicable Exact terms and conditions and our information security statement for additional details about how we guarantee the security of information and privacy. It goes without saying that you can contact us at any time for a personal explanation about how we guarantee your privacy and security.