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Exact for Wholesale Distribution and Manufacturing Advanced to Premium upgrade

When you want to make an upgrade from Exact for Manufacturing Advanced (or Exact for Wholesale Advanced) to Exact for Manufacturing Premium (or Wholesale Distribution Premium) you need to take some actions AFTER upgrading, and you need to understand what is actually changing, otherwise you may get the impression that something went wrong with your inventory.

Storage locations in Exact Online In the Advanced editions of Wholesale Distribution and Manufacturing we introduced the concept of storage locations. They have been implemented as labels on the item master. The locations are maintained on the warehouse master. One of the locations on the warehouse master is the “(Warehouse) Default location”. When we view inventory reports or print layouts we show as storage location the “(Item) Location” (of which we have only ONE per item/warehouse), and in absence of a location assignment the “(Warehouse) Default location”. There is no actual record in the Advanced editions of inventory residing on a storage location!   In the Premium editions of Wholesale Distribution and Manufacturing we do keep record of inventory on storage locations (provided that you set your warehouse(s) to “Use storage locations”.   If we make an upgrade from Exact for Manufacturing Advanced (or Exact for Wholesale Distribution Advanced) to Exact for Manufacturing Premium (or Wholesale Distribution Premium), our inventory will be automatically assigned to the “(Warehouse) Default location”. In fact, it has been there all the time! Now, we may want to give it a start with relocating the inventory to the “(Item) Location” of the item/warehouse master data. For this, we have introduced a button Transfer to default location on the screen [Inventory] Analysis & results, Stock per location where we can select (multiple) items and transfer them to the real “(Item) Location”. Do not to forget to Process the location transfer!   (Click to enlarge)   Turning on user rights If you upgrade from Wholesale Distribution Advanced or Wholesale Distribution Premium these are some rights to assign to users which are manufacturing specific. You go to My user rights to turn these on for the main user, and you go to [Master data] Users to turn them on for the other users.   More information with Exact support.  

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