Exact Synergy
One system for all your business processes

From document management and process management to process monitoring and automation, Exact Synergy gains you clear insights into your information flows, with full integration of your financial data and ERP.

Integrating business processes with your ERP

Exact Synergy is the right platform to handle all your business processes and integrate them with your ERP system. An ideal, centralised solution for easier online collaboration through strong workflow and document management.

New customers can buy this technology by purchasing one of our total solutions. Existing customers can expand their Synergy licence with additional users and solutions.

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Efficient and centralised collaboration

Link business processes to Workflow Management

Applying workflow management allows you to easily streamline and automate processes all through your organisation. Information links to the correct project, customer or employee immediately and is available when and where it's needed.

Encourage cooperation with Social Collaboration

With Social Collaboration, colleagues can share information on timelines and in groups using Synergy. This encourages cooperation, especially for departments and branches in different countries. The great thing is, the information is kept and knowledge is available to be found.

Use CRM to ensure all information about the customer is correct and complete

Use a single CRM system for full insights into customer relationships. Including via the app. See all important data relating to the customer, from contact moments to invoicing. Receive automated alerts for sales opportunities or service moments.

Streamline your HR life cycle with HRM

Recording employee leave, expenses and sickness absence – all these administrative tasks take up HR managers' time unnecessarily. Exact streamlines your full HR life cycle, from payroll administration and personnel planning to performance management.

Connect business processes to Workflow Management
Encourage cooperation with Social Collaboration
Use CRM to ensure all information about the customer is correct and complete
Streamline your HR life cycle with HRM
Download the Exact Synergy Brochure

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Choose your perfect Synergy deployment option

Exact Business Software supports all of your processes in every location with a single system. Our products are available in various deployment options, enabling you to decide for yourself which type best meets your wishes. Are speed and accessibility top priorities? If so, the cloud is for you. Prefer to take care of everything yourself? Install Exact locally. Want to mix and match? That's not an issue – hybrid solutions are an option, too.

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