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New: Subscriptions with a weekly billing period

New: Subscriptions with a weekly billing period

More and more products coming onto the market are delivered and paid for on a weekly basis. Some examples are recipe boxes, coffee capsules and razors that are delivered to your door weekly. Many services – such as cleaning – are also provided once a week or once every two weeks. Because not every month has the same number of weeks, the monthly billing model is not suitable for this. Fortunately, the Exact Online Subscription Management module has the perfect solution.

Align your billing with the delivery frequency

You can resolve the above problem by matching the billing frequency to the delivery frequency. That's why the Subscription Management module now allows you to invoice your customers on a weekly basis.

Flexible settings

This new option enables you to set the billing frequency to a weekly interval in a flexible way. If you provide a service or product once every four weeks, you can also send your customer an invoice every four weeks. And if you prefer to send your invoices every two or six weeks, you can easily do that too. You set the billing frequency yourself.

Automatic billing

If you wish, you can have your invoices generated and sent automatically. You can even choose on which weekday you wish to send your invoices for each subscription. This will save you time, give your subscribers automated invoices at a fixed time and take away any worries about the billing process.

Temporary suspensions

Subscriptions require flexibility. Besides weekly billing, you can also give your customers the option to suspend their subscription for a few weeks. This allows customers to put their subscription on hold rather than cancel it completely.

Subscription Management in Exact Online

The Subscription Management module allows you to invoice your customers periodically. You have great flexibility in terms of your billing frequency, the duration of the subscription period and the conditions for termination and extension. This is very useful for the periodic billing of memberships, contributions and fixed recurring amounts (such as rent or hire purchase payments). And if you have a direct debit contract with your bank, you can simply send your collection invoices to the bank. You will quickly gain insight into your expected turnover per month based on the various subscription conditions. Comprehensive monthly recurring revenue (MRR) reports will enable you to manage the growth and value of your subscriptions. You can also bill your subscriptions fully automatically.

To find out more, read all about the Subscription Management module here.

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