Product news

Exact for Wholesale Distribution & Manufacturing Ease of Use: Pictures on Layouts

 For a few years it is possible to show the item picture on the quotation layout. We have now also made it possible to show the item picture on the order confirmation, picking list, delivery note and the purchase order layout. Visualization reduces order picking mistakes and provides immediate product identification to customers and suppliers.

Maintaining item pictures On the item card we can maintain item pictures in the left upper panel. There are partner tools to import item pictures in bulk:(Click to enlarge)   Adding item pictures to layouts Via [Master data] Layouts, Maintenance we can insert item pictures in the lines of the layouts for Sales orders (i.e. order confirmations), Purchase orders, Picking list and Delivery note:  

These improvements are available for all versions of Exact for Manufacturing and Exact for Wholesale Distribution. The Ease of Use project aims to make Exact Online easier and more efficient using the feedback of customers. Do you think we can make Exact Online better? Contact Exact support and we dive into your suggestion.

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