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Exact for Manufacturing Ease of Use: Assortment filters in the cost overviews
A common objective of cost accountants is to compare manufacturing cost and variances in material and time consumption. Most can be learned from comparing trends by assortment: are we getting better in estimating assembly cost for wheelbarrows, and how does it compare with the trend for pallet trucks? With the new assortment filters in the cost overview we can slice and dice the shop order results.
Assortment filters in the cost overview We will find the cost overview in [Manufacturing] Shop orders, Reports, Cost overview. With the customize icon in the right upper corner of the overview we can add specific assortments to the filter of the overview: (Click to enlarge) In the cost overview, but also in the shop order materials (detail), we can customize to show the assortments in the lines:
(Click to enlarge) The cost overview may be exported to Excel (via the same icon in the right upper corner) for further analysis or reporting. These improvements are available for all versions of Exact for Manufacturing. The Ease of Use project aims to make Exact for Manufacturing easier and more efficient using the feedback of customers. Do you think we can make Exact for Manufacturing better? Contact Exact support and we dive into your suggestion.]