Product news

Improved manufacturing picking list in Exact for Manufacturing

When you create a shop order, the ‘shop paper’ informs the people on the shop floor which products to make, which materials are needed and how product is being manufactured (the routing). Exact Online for Manufacturing offers, next to the ‘shop paper’, also a manufacturing picking list. The latter lets you share information in a more flexible manner compared to the shop paper. This picking list has now been improved and expanded.

Advantages of the manufacturing picking list

Why would you rather use this picking list than a shop paper? There are plenty of good reasons.

The picking list lets you choose which materials to show, while the shop paper always lists all the materials needed. With a picking list, you can choose whether or not to show:

  • backflush items. These items are usually used for inventory on hand that is plenty available on the shop floor, like nuts and bolts, or items for which you don’t want to monitor the actuals consumption in detail;
  • sub-assemblies made with a separate sub-order linked to the main shop order. These parts are often already available on the shop floor, so you don’t need to ask people to pick these parts from the warehouse;
  • Parts that are purchased to order. These items can be immediately issued to the shop order as soon as the purchase order is received. In that case, these items are not stored in the warehouse, but directly send to the shop floor, because they are ordered specifically for a shop order.

You can also print the available inventory and warehouse locations on the manufacturing picking list, along with all kinds of series- and batch-related information.

Business software

The improved manufacturing picking list

  • In addition to the quantities to be picked, the picking list now also shows the quantities issued for the shop order.
  • The picking list can now also contain all kinds of customer details, such as their name, address, website, etc.
  • By simply adding the ‘Picking list printed’ date to the shop order overview, you can now see if and when the picking list was printed for production.
Business software

We added these improvements in response to feedback from our customers. Please let us know via the Customer Portal if you have any suggestions for improving our products even further.

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Auke Hylarides

Auke is Product Marketeer bij Exact Software. Hij richt zich op de laatste trends en ontwikkelingen binnen handel en de maakindustrie. Hij heeft meer dan 20 jaar ervaring met ERP oplossingen van onder andere Exact Software, in zowel Nederland als daarbuiten.

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